Qatargas focuses on sustaining and preserving Qatar’s marine biodiversity
Qatargas, in collaboration with the Ministry of Municipality and Environment (MME) and Qatar University (QU), has stewarded a unique and ambitious Coral Management Programme (CMP) focused on sustaining and preserving Qatar’s marine biodiversity.
The programme, aligned with the Environmental Developmental Pillar of Qatar National Vision 2030, comprises Artificial Reef Deployment and Coral Relocation as well as the first of its kind land-based Coral Nursery. The programme also includes a long-term, comprehensive monitoring plan for the relocated corals, with eventual handover of all relocation zones to the MME for incorporation into the State of Qatar’s protected natural reserve. Qatargas has a proud legacy of marine biodiversity protection. Since 2007 the Company has relocated over 7,500 live corals from nearshore pipelines to offshore protected areas, including the deployment of over 400 artificial reef modules at several marine locations around Qatar.
Qatargas’ current CMP has been implemented as mitigation for the North Field Production Sustainability (NFPS) Project. As part of the programme, over 150 sets of hybrid Artificial Reefs were deployed near Al-Ghariya in northern Qatar.
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