1,000 internships offered at TotalEnergies

London, June 17, 2024 , (Oilandgaspress) – TotalEnergies responds to the “My second-year internship” initiative launched by the government and this year welcomes nearly 1,000 young people in general and technological second-year classes across all of its sites in France in order to help to deepen their discovery of professions and prepare their choice of orientation.

TotalEnergies, committed to training young people in France

By opening its doors to second year high school students this year, TotalEnergies allows these young people from different social backgrounds to discover the workings of a large company. The Company has set itself two objectives:

Welcoming two-thirds of students from high schools located in priority areas of the city and from establishments located near our sites;
Strengthen the Company’s local roots by welcoming half of the high school students to our sites located outside the Paris region.
This initiative for high school students is a continuation of the welcoming of more than 500 middle school students last year, nearly 800 interns and more than 2,400 work-study students in 2023, demonstrating the active role of the Company in supporting their professional integration.

TotalEnergies’ commitment to young people is evident throughout France at each stage of their academic journey: from discovery internships in third and second grades to work-study programs and internships at major schools and universities. In all these initiatives, particular attention is paid to the integration of young people furthest from the professional world as well as to the feminization of technical and business professions.

Experience within a global multi-energy company

TotalEnergies has set up a course so that high school students discover the world of an international multi-energy company and its many professions. It includes conferences on workplace safety, the energy transition and individual discussions with young people in the company in particular. Sessions to discover careers in marketing, geosciences or cybersecurity, and practical CV writing or pitch training workshops are also planned.

Since 2017, the Company has obtained the HappyIndex®Trainees label each year, which allows us to know and measure the point of view and satisfaction of its trainees, work-study students and professionalization contracts. It is positioned in the top 10 in the ranking of companies with more than 1

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