2021 Dow Jones Sustainability Indices
Neste has been selected in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) for the 15th consecutive year. Neste is included in both DJSI World and DJSI Europe listing, among the most sustainable companies in the world. Neste’s performance received the industry’s best scores in materiality and environmental and social reporting, contributing to the company’s inclusion among the top performers.
The companies eligible for S&P Dow Jones Indices are selected for inclusion based on their comprehensive assessment in the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA). Since 1999, the CSA in collaboration with Dow Jones Indices (now S&P Dow Jones Indices) has been one of the most important and leading global sustainability benchmarks. The assessment of companies this year is based on their performance in 2020. Only leading companies in each industry are included in the indices each year.
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