Nissan revises financial forecast for fiscal year 2023

Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. announced a revision to its financial forecast, made on February 8, 2024, for the full fiscal year ending March 31, 2024.

The forecast sales volume has been lowered to 3.44 million units, net revenue to 12.6 trillion yen, and operating profit to 530 billion yen. Net income is expected to reach 370 billion yen for fiscal year 2023. The revision is due to a decrease in sales volume, various cost reliefs made to suppliers such as inflation, and other factors.

The company has filed the following revised fiscal year forecasts to the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Calculated under the equity accounting method for Nissan’s joint venture in China, the forecasts for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024, are:

TSE report basis – China JV equity basis

Yen in billionsPrevious FY23 outlookRevised FY23 outlookVariance vs previous outlook
Net revenue13,00012,600-400
Operating profit620.0530.0-90.0
Net income*1390.0370.0-20.0

*1: Net income is attributable to owners of the parent company.

Under the recently announced Arc business plan, Nissan aims to increase annual global sales volume by 1 million units by the end of fiscal year 2026 and accelerate the company’s transition to electric vehicles. To successfully deliver the plan, Nissan will adopt more efficient ways to collaborate with suppliers.