Chinese Aircraft Complete Demo Flights with Sinopec SAF

London, June 07 2024 , (Oilandgaspress) –– The C919 aircraft completed maiden test flight with sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) produced by Sinopec on June 5th. As China’s homegrown large passenger aircraft, the C919 aircraft made a soft landing on the runway of Dongying Airport in Shandong Province on June 5th, which is the 1st time for the domestic commercial aircraft to be fueled with SAF. On the same day, another homegrown aircraft ARJ21 fueled with Sinopec SAF, completed its test flight at Shanghai Pudong Airport. Produced from Used Cooking Oil (UCO), Sinopec SAF is able to cut carbon emissions by over 50% throughout the life cycle, compared with conventional aviation fuel. By promoting R&D and application of SAF, Sinopec endeavors to lead the whole industry chain in green and low-carbon transition and contribute to the sustainable development of the global aviation industry.

aircraft ARJ21 fueled with Sinopec SAF,

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