EAGE technical conference

London, June 07 2024 , (Oilandgaspress) –– Experts in the Norwegian Offshore Directorate are key speakers at the EAGE technical conference. Here they’ll talk about scientific work that benefits the industry as well as the broader society.

It’s a major event that the EAGE conference (European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers) will be held in Norway, from 10-13 June in Lillestrøm. Around 6000 participants are expected to attend.

In addition to director general Torgeir Stordal, several of the Directorate’s employees will give presentations. One of them is geophysicist Petter Dischington.

“I’ll be talking about the Norwegian resource management model. Our experts don’t just work on administrative issues, we also have the expertise on board to perform our own technical work. Specifically, I’ll be presenting some of our work where we’ve used machine learning and data and made this available to the industry. This is a benefit for the industry while also creating value for society,” he says.

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