Eni starts gas production in the Strait of Sicily

Eni has started gas production from the Argo Cassiopea field, the most important gas development project in Italy.

The gas, coming from one of the four subsea wells drilled in recent months in the Strait of Sicily, has been transported through a 60 km subsea pipeline to the Gela processing plant. Here it will be processed and then fed into the national grid, contributing to Italy’s energy needs.

The Argo Cassiopea production project, operated by Eni in joint venture with Energean, has begun production just three years after the start of works. Production is carried out entirely under the sea, with no visual impact and near-zero emissions. A dedicated installation of 3.6 MWp of photovoltaic panels will ensure the project achieves carbon neutrality for Scope 1 and 2 emissions.

Argo Cassiopea plays a central role in Eni’s strategy to increase the use of domestic natural gas for energy security and as a low-emission source.

Argo Cassiopea’s reserves are estimated at around 10 billion cubic metres of gas, with peak annual production expected to 1.5 billion cubic meters of gas.