Renault update on employee share ownership plan 2024

London, October 24, 2024, (Oilandgaspress) –––The third employee share ownership campaign, named Renaulution Shareplan, which was held from September 18 to October 2, 2024, was a success, reflecting the employees’ commitment and confidence in the company’s strategic direction. In addition to the allocation of 7 free shares to eligible employees in 30 countries[1], employees in 24 countries were also given the opportunity to acquire shares on advantageous terms.

The contributions under the 2024 Renaulution Shareplan (a maximum of 14 free shares)[2] represent approximately 817,600 shares, or 0.28% of Renault SA’s capital, which will be allocated free to the Group’s employees.

Furthermore, nearly 46,000 employees, representing 43% of eligible employees, participated in the subscription offer proposed as part of the 2024 Renaulution Shareplan. The total investment by employees amounts to over €31,100,000, with an average subscription amount per employee of €679. This represents more than 1,063,000 subscribed shares, or 0.36% of the capital of Renault SA.

In total, the 2024 Renaulution Shareplan operation will allow for the transfer of approximately 1,881,000 shares to the company’s employees, representing 0.64% of the Renault SA’s capital, held through an Employee Mutual Fund (FCPE) or, in some countries, directly in a registered account.

As a result of the share allocation from this operation, employees will thus hold about 5.74% of Renault SA’s capital, bringing the Group closer to its ambition of achieving 10% employee shareholding.

Information Source: Read More

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