ADNOC Secures Equity Position in NextDecades Rio Grande LNG Project

London, 20 May 2024, (Oilandgaspress) – ADNOC announced today the acquisition of a 11.7% stake in Phase 1 (Trains 1-3) of NextDecade Corporation’s (NextDecade) (Nasdaq: NEXT) Rio Grande LNG (RGLNG), a leading liquefied natural gas (LNG) export project located in Texas, United States (US), which is expected to produce a less carbon-intensive LNG. Additionally, ADNOC and NextDecade announced that they have entered into a 20-year LNG offtake agreement from RGLNG Train 4.

The Phase 1 RGLNG equity stake has been acquired through an investment vehicle of Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP), one of the world’s premier infrastructure investors. ADNOC acquired a portion of GIP’s existing equity interest in Phase 1 while NextDecade retains its previously announced expected economic interest in Phase 1 as well as its interests in the Train 4 and Train 5 expansion capacity.

The Phase 1 acquisition marks ADNOC’s first strategic investment in the US as it continues to deliver on its international growth strategy and complements its efforts to expand its lower-carbon LNG portfolio to meet growing gas demand.

The 20-year LNG offtake agreement between ADNOC and NextDecade is for 1.9 million tons per annum (mtpa) from RGLNG Train 4, on a free on board (FOB) basis at a price indexed to Henry Hub, subject to a Final Investment Decision (FID).

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