Beam Global Awarded EV Charging Products Contract in Florida
Beam Global, the leading provider of innovative sustainable technology for electric vehicle (EV) charging, outdoor media and energy security, announced that the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) in partnership with the Florida Association of Counties awarded Beam Global statewide contract number FSA20-EQU18.0 Heavy Equipment.
The contract includes the flagship EV ARC™ 2020 and EV ARC™ DCFC sustainable EV charging infrastructure systems under the category Power Charging, with a contract term through September 30, 2023. This is the premier contract in the state for police, fire, municipalities and universities.
Beam was awarded the contract after qualification through a bidding process and review by the FSA and the FSA Fleet Advisory Committee. FSA contract prices are extended and guaranteed to any local government or political subdivision of the state, public educational institutions and other public agencies or authorities within the State of Florida.
The EV ARC™ system continues to provide EV charging and emergency power during blackouts and is flood proof to 9.5 feet; factors which are particularly important in Florida and other locations which are at risk from rising sea levels and other flooding risks.
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