Bridge Internet: Internet for rural areas – Myth, Reality or Opportunity?

CAPE CORAL, Fla.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#absenteeownerBridge Internet is on track to become a nationally recognized household name in rural America by providing true high-speed internet access to underserved regions. Today, an estimated 20 million Americans are underserved with the quality of internet available. Bridge Internet is deploying its low cost, reliable, unthrottled internet where the large corporations refuse to go. Since launching, Bridge Internet has signed Franchises to provide high speed internet services in over 100 markets/towns across the United States, with thousands of markets to be deployed. Bridge Internet offers a Franchise opportunity to partner with entrepreneurs like you to bridge the internet gap across the country.

The necessity of high-speed Internet in Rural America

Trip Camper, CEO of Bridge Internet, was one of the primary architects in the development of the Wireless Internet Service Provider (WISP) business model. With over 30 years of experience in the communications industry, he has a renewed mission to see that every American family has access to high-speed internet. “Our world has shifted tremendously – today we can do our banking online, visit with distant family members, receive health advice and assistance through telehealth, and much more on the internet, and yet an estimated one hundred million Americans don’t have access to true high-speed internet to support these activities,” says Camper. “It has been a political discussion for quite some time now. However, what we are seeing is mostly taxpayer dollars being granted to corporations who have shown very little to no interest in rural American development. We can’t wait another decade to see change occur, let’s do something about it now.”

Invitation to own a Franchise model

One strategy that Bridge Internet has developed, is its franchise model, which is allowing for more rapid expansion. In fact, rapid deployment is underway with some markets already going live. “We are unlike most any franchise model in the United States. We have a truly passive opportunity, we don’t require leases, storefronts, don’t require real estate investing, and don’t require employees or inventory,” states Camper. “There is minimal participation required from our franchise owners.” Bridge Internet has hundreds of favorable markets already pre-determined for its next phase of expansion and is excited to bring on additional franchise owners who want to be part of growing their legacy by providing high-speed internet to underserved communities and regions.

Bridge Internet delivers true high-speed wireless internet to rural areas throughout America with a Franchise. It is our mission To Bridge the Gap in Rural Internet Service for Underserved Communities in America.

For more information about franchising, visit


“Trip”, S. Don Camper III – CEO

Bridge Internet Corporation