CGX Energy reports oil and gas discovery off Guyana coast
CGX Energy Inc. and Frontera Energy Corporation, the majority shareholder of CGX and joint venture partner of CGX in the Petroleum Prospecting License for the Corentyne block offshore Guyana, announced that the Joint Venture has made a discovery at the Kawa1 well, in the Corentyne Block.
Gabriel de Alba, Chairman of Frontera’s Board of Directors and Co-Chairman of CGX’s Board of Directors, commented:
“Initial results from the Kawa-1 well are positive and reinforce CGX and Frontera’s belief in the potentially transformational opportunity our investments and interests in Guyana present for our companies and the country. Kawa-1 results add to the growing success story unfolding in offshore Guyana as the country emerges as a global oil and gas exploration hotspot. On behalf of the Joint Venture, I’d like to thank the Government of Guyana for its long-standing support as we worked together to deliver this successful outcome.”
The Kawa-1 well encountered approximately 177 feet (54 metres) of hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs within Maastrichtian, Campanian and Santonian horizons based on initial evaluation of Logging While Drilling (LWD) data. These intervals are similar in age and can be correlated using regional seismic data to recent successes in Block 58 in Suriname and Stabroek Block in Guyana.
The well also encountered hydrocarbon bearing sands in deeper strata (Coniacian or older) which will also be analyzed and could become the target of future appraisal opportunities. The net pay and fluid properties of the hydrocarbons across the shallow and deep reservoirs will now be
confirmed with electric wireline logging and fluid sampling, with results to be disclosed as soon as practicable.
The Kawa-1 well was drilled to a depth of 21,578 feet (6,578 metres) and targeted the easternmost Campanian and Santonian channel/lobe complex on the northern section of the Corentyne block.
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