Commercial Operation begins at Boa Sorte solar plant, Brazil

London, 03 April 2024, (Oilandgaspress): – Hydro Rein and Atlas Renewable Energy begin commercial operation of Boa Sorte solar plant The 438 megawatt (MW) solar complex Boa Sorte in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, has started commercial operation. The power plant will deliver renewable energy to the aluminium smelter Albras.

The solar plant consists of several projects and has been developed in a partnership between renewable energy solutions providers Hydro Rein and Atlas Renewable Energy, and Albras, a joint venture owned by Hydro and Nippon Amazon Aluminium Co. Ltd. (NAAC). With an installed capacity of 438 MW, Boa Sorte will generate about 920 GWh annually, equivalent to supplying over 394,000 Brazilian households.
Boa Sorte is the second large-scale solar plant developed by Hydro Rein in Brazil. In the beginning of March 2024, Hydro Rein, together with partners Scatec and Equinor, started operations at the Mendubim solar plant in the state of Rio Grande do Norte.

The Boa Sorte development was delivered on time and on budget, and also illustrates Hydro Rein’s commitment to ambitious sustainability standards such as International Finance Corporation Performance Standards (IFC PS) and Equator Principles.

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