Eni at FuoriSalone 2021 with Natural Capital
Eni presents its Natural Capital installation, created as part of the “INTERNI Creative Connections” exhibition organised by the magazine edited by Gilda Bojardi for FuoriSalone 2021. The installation was conceived by the international design and innovation studio CRA – Carlo Ratti Associati, with the collaboration of Italo Rota and scientific contribution by the University of Milan. It aims to raise visitors’ awareness on the role forests play in fighting climate change via a large three-dimensional data display.
Through a series of spheres placed among the trees, Natural Capital shows the CO2 captured and accumulated by different plant species in the Brera Botanical Garden, as well as the risks arising from deforestation, one of the major causes for the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere. Immersed in the Brera Botanical Garden, visitors can admire the installation and experience the fight against climate change from a different point of view, as its design speaks in a universal language that stimulates collective reflection on the issue of decarbonization.
The topic of forest conservation fits right into the “INTERNI Creative Connections” exhibition, a concept chosen as the theme of the 30th anniversary of FuoriSalone and whose design narrates the links between nature and humankind, and uses a range of creative elements to identify effective solutions to constantly new imperatives, such as global warming.
Eni’s participation to the exhibition reflects the company’s strategic commitment to achieve zero net emissions by 2050, through a path that will make it a leader in the production and sale of fully decarbonized products manufactured through zero-net emission industrial processes.
The new strategy is largely based on technologies that are already available as well as on projects that are already operational or can be implemented at short notice, and is based on the development of multiple integrated decarbonization strands, which Eni will pursue in parallel. Just like forest conservation projects, they will be part of the strategy’s key pillars and form part of a broader framework of actions that aim firstly to reduce emissions deriving from industrial activities, and secondly to offset residual emissions that cannot be reduced with existing technologies.
Eni’s commitment in this area follows the United Nations’ REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) scheme, which links forest conservation with the development of local communities through the promotion of socio-economic activities in line with the enhancement and sustainable management of forests, as well as the conservation of biodiversity.
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