Eni-CDP Industria Board candidates and proposals of resolution for Saipem Shareholders’ Meeting
Eni S.p.A. and CDP Industria S.p.A., in relation to the Saipem S.p.A. Shareholders’ Meeting called on April 30, 2021, on single call, to resolve, inter alia, on the appointment of the Board of Directors, as required by the current Shareholders’ agreement between the companies, will propose a joint slate including the following candidates:
- Silvia Merlo*,
- Francesco Caio,
- Alessandra Ferone,
- Pier Francesco Ragni,
- Marco Reggiani,
-Paola Tagliavini*.
Francesco Caio is the candidate who possesses the required professional skills to be appointed as CEO of the company.
The slate will be deposited at Saipem within the terms and conditions indicated by the law, Saipem By-laws, the notice of the Shareholders’ Meeting and the Shareholders’ agreement.
Eni and CDP Industria will also submit to the Saipem Shareholders’ Meeting the proposals:
- to appoint Silvia Merlo as Chairman of the Board of Directors;
– to confirm the current remuneration, proposing to determine the gross annual remuneration payable to each Director (Chairman included) of 60,000 euro, plus reimbursement of expenses incurred in their role as board members.
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