Eni gas e luce becomes a benefit corporation
Eni gas e luce has updated its Articles of Association to “Società Benefit” (Benefit Corporation) status, becoming the first major Italian energy company to do so.
A Benefit Corporation represents an evolution of the concept of corporation, as it integrates into its corporate purpose, in addition to the profit objective, the aim of having a positive impact on society, communities and people, as well as on the environment. By becoming a Benefit Corporation, Eni gas e luce takes up a formal commitment to shareholders to balance their interests, the public’s and those of all stakeholders.
Benefit Corporations are also required to draw up an annual impact report that has to be added to the financial statements and published on their website. Benefit Corporation objectives will also be supported by the integration of Eni’s renewable energy activities into Eni gas e luce. The integration of the Italian assets is being finalized today. Meanwhile, the two companies are working on the integration of the foreign assets.
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