Eni to promote the collection of used cooking oils In Kenya
London, 30 June, 2023, (Oilandgaspress) Eni is broadcasting a commercial to promote the collection of used cooking oils. This circular economy project has been launched in the country to help UCO (Used Cooking Oil) management and prevent its dispersal in the environment and improper reuse: once collected, the oil can have a second chance and be transformed into biofuels in Eni Sustainable Mobility’s biorefineries.
Eni Kenya’s project aims to consolidate a supply chain for UCO collection in cooperation with the HORECA industry (hotels, restaurants, catering), food processing companies and food delivery platforms: thanks to Eni, these players can correctly dispose their cooking oils and receive a financial contribution for the waste they make available for collection. Eni Kenya is among the operators licensed by the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) to collect UCO and also adheres to the ISCC-EU sustainability certification scheme to provide clear traceability of the collected product.
The collection of biomass such as used cooking oil is part of the activities put in place by Eni to supply feedstock for the production of HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) biofuel in the Venice and Gela biorefineries, in Italy. The biorefineries’ feedstock is composed by waste and residues from the processing of vegetable oils, used cooking oil, animal fats, and vegetable oils from drought-resistant crops in degraded, semi-arid, or abandoned soils not in competition with the food chain. For this latest kind of feedstock, Eni is developing a network of agri-hubs in African countries including Kenya where, in Makueni County, Eni opened the first seed pressing and vegetable oil production center in July 2022.
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