ExxonMobil updates preliminary results on election of directors
ExxonMobil today updated preliminary results for the election of directors at its annual meeting of shareholders held on May 26, 2021. Based on estimates by the company’s proxy solicitor, shareholders are expected to elect nine ExxonMobil nominees and three Engine No. 1 nominees.
“We look forward to working with all of our directors to build on the progress we’ve made to grow long-term shareholder value and succeed in a lower-carbon future,” said Darren Woods, chairman and chief executive officer of Exxon Mobil Corporation. “We thank all shareholders for their engagement and participation, and their ongoing support for our company.”
Based on the preliminary results, re-elected ExxonMobil directors are expected to be Woods, Michael Angelakis, Susan Avery, Angela Braly, Ursula Burns, Kenneth Frazier, Joseph Hooley, Douglas Oberhelman and Jeffrey Ubben. Engine No. 1 nominees expected to be elected are Gregory Goff, Kaisa Hietala and Alexander Karsner.
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