Freedom of Mobility Forum Announces 2024 Topic

The Freedom of Mobility Forum, initiated by Stellantis and facilitated by a neutral third-party, announced details for the second annual virtual debate planned for Wed., April 3, 2024. The topic of the 2024 live digital debate will be: “How will our planet accommodate the mobility needs of 8 billion people?” The discussion will explore how planetary limits could reshape freedom of mobility from technology, business, and lifestyle perspectives. 

Register for the live digital debate here

During the live debate, viewers will have the opportunity to hear varying perspectives from an international expert panel selected by the Advisory Board:

  • Society: Majora Carter (United States), Urban revitalization strategist, real estate developer, author and award-winning broadcaster
  • Tech & AI: Manal Jalloul (Lebanon), Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of AI Lab, Certified Instructor and University Ambassador at NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute
  • Environment: Roberto Schaeffer (Brazil), Professor of Energy Economics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, IPCC contributor
  • Economy: Matthias Schmelzer (Germany), Economic historian, social theorist and climate activist
  • Business: Carlos Tavares (Portugal), CEO, Stellantis; Co-chair of the Freedom of Mobility Forum Advisory Board

New for the 2024 edition, the Forum will collaborate with three leading universities – Brandeis University (United States), HEC Paris (France), and ENSA Kénitra (Morocco) – and their students to shape the debate and invite them to challenge the panelists during the live event. Further strengthening the voice of youth in this year’s debate is crucial to challenging traditional assumptions and driving innovation in the mobility sector.

Also new for the 2024 edition, viewers of the live event will have the opportunity to interact directly with the panelists throughout the program via three dedicated Q&A sessions. More details for the two-hour digital debate will be announced later.

Information Source: Read More

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