Frosk field development and operation plan
Aker BP (operator) and licence partners Vår Energi AS and Lundin Energy Norway AS today submitted a plan for development and operation (PDO) for the Frosk field to the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (MPE). The development will contribute to production and reduce unit costs in the Alvheim area by utilizing existing infrastructure.
The Frosk field, located approximately 25 km southwest of the Alvheim FPSO in the North Sea, will be tied back to the FPSO via the existing Bøyla and Alvheim subsea infrastructure. Total investments are projected at around NOK 2 billion (appr. USD 230 million). Production is scheduled to start in the first quarter of 2023. Recoverable reserves in Frosk are estimated at around 10 million barrels of oil equivalents (mmboe).
Fast track project
The Frosk discovery, located in an injectite sandstone reservoir, was made in 2018. Frosk Test Producer commenced in 2019 with the purpose of collecting data to reduce uncertainty. Test production has provided valuable reservoir data that has been used to optimize the number of wells, drainage strategy and surface facility requirements for the Frosk Field.
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