International SOS Launches COVID-19 Vaccine Indicator for Business
International SOS has created a ‘traffic light’ indicator to help businesses track when, where and how they can roll-out corporate COVID-19 vaccination programmes for their employees.
As global organisations seek advice on corporate COVID-19 vaccine policies and, the indicator brings together International SOS’ COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker containing detailed vaccine information for all countries, with regularly updated country-level distribution and programme monitoring. This is complemented with bespoke strategic and industry relevant advice from International SOS’ consulting practices.
Dr Mark Parrish, Regional Medical Director at International SOS comments, “COVID-19 vaccination programmes are a complex issue, particularly for global organisations. Faced with differing regulations, vaccines and roll-out plans dependent on location, it is vital to have a strategic and agile plan in place. This should be underpinned by up-to- date information, analysed and implemented in accordance with the needs of the workforce. We want to make it as easy as possible for organisations to be able to protect their people at the earliest and in the most efficient way.”
International SOS is already supporting many of its Fortune Global 500 clients with strategic health advice from its global consulting practice, including its worldwide COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker. The internationally recognised red, amber, green traffic light system, enables clients to quickly recognise where a site or office has the potential to roll out a vaccine programme. The information is updated daily.
Dr Parrish continues “Obviously organisations are keen to ensure that employees are protected from COVID-19 and to uphold their Duty of Care. Our clients want to know where and what vaccines are available to them for their employees, as well as where they may be asked to actively participate in vaccination programmes and their responsibility to do this. They are considering overall how it affects operations and what a corporate COVID-19 vaccine policy should contain. Many also want guidance on what they can be doing within the wider society to enhance vaccine update in communities.”
For information on International SOS’ consulting services & corporate vaccine programmes, click here.
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Press Release by: International SOS