Liquid Hydrogen-Powered Corolla
London, 31 July, 2023, (Oilandgaspress) – Toyota Motor Corporation (Toyota) announced that it will enter the ENEOS Super Taikyu Series 2023 Supported by Bridgestone Round 4 Super Taikyu Race (5h x 1 race), to be held from July 29 to 30 at the Autopolis international racing course in Oita Prefecture, with the #32 ORC ROOKIE GR Corolla H2 Concept, which runs on liquid hydrogen, and the #28 ORC ROOKIE GR86 CNF Concept running on carbon-neutral fuel.
The hydrogen-powered Corolla, mobile liquid hydrogen stations, and carbon neutral fuel have evolved in the two months since the Round 2 NAPAC Fuji SUPER TEC 24 Hours Race from May 26 to 28.

Hydrogen-powered Corolla
Improved durability of liquid hydrogen pump
The durability of the pump, which was an issue in the Fuji 24 Hours Race, has been improved, resulting in 30% enhanced durability under similar conditions. Lubricating oil is usually used in pumps to reduce stress through less friction in the pump; however, lubricating oil cannot be used in liquid hydrogen pumps as it contaminates the hydrogen. For this race, a buffer structure will be used to reduce stress on the pump gear drive unit, aiming to allow it to finish the race without needing to be replaced.
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