LUKOIL and Gazprom in Vaneyvisskoye and Layavozhskoye fields JV
President of PJSC LUKOIL Vagit Alekperov and Chairman of the Management Committee of PJSC Gazprom Alexey Miller had a business meeting today in Saint Petersburg. The parties discussed relevant cooperation issues. Among other things, they touched upon current situation and development prospects for Vaneyvisskoye and Layavozhskoye fields in the Nenets Autonomous District.
In 2021, the parties created a joint venture to carry out the project – Layavozhneftegaz LLC (LVNG LLC). Gazprom has transferred to LVNG LLC its subsoil use license for the area that includes the Vaneyvisskoye and Layavozhskoye fields. Next, LVNG LLC will design fields’ development and construction of infrastructure facilities. This process will employ results of the 3D seismic exploitation that was completed in 2021.
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