Mercedes-Benz expands activities in Canada alongside research in neuromorphic computing

London, October 08, 2024, (Oilandgaspress) ––– Mercedes-Benz is partnering with the Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN), the Government of Ontario’s flagship initiative for the automotive and mobility sector. The purpose is to expand startup creation and scouting activities in North America and to promote the commercialisation of automotive innovation. The OVIN Incubators Program will focus on identifying and fostering innovation in future software & AI, future vehicle components and future electric drive. Working with startups, and in partnership with OVIN, Mercedes-Benz will help progress promising projects through the provision of its specialist expertise and use cases. Selected projects will also benefit from the international Mercedes-Benz STARTUP AUTOBAHN network. Separately, the company intends to start a research collaboration with the University of Waterloo, Ontario with a focus on neuromorphic computing for automated driving applications. The move complements a range of ongoing Mercedes-Benz R&D activities in Canada.

Mercedes-Benz neuromorphic computing

The academic research collaboration and participation in the OVIN Incubators Program are the latest in a series of initiatives underpinned by the company’s Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the government of Canada, signed in 2022. The aim of the MoU is to strengthen cooperation across the electric vehicle value chain. Through the partnership with the Ontario government through OVIN, Mercedes-Benz is accelerating and expanding its presence by tapping into Ontario’s international acclaim as a centre for tech development, recognizing the province’s significance for Mercedes-Benz’s global innovation network.

Open innovation draws in ideas, inspiration and technologies from a wide variety of external sources and partners. This approach is a long-established part of Mercedes-Benz R&D strategy, enriching and complementing the company’s internal R&D work worldwide.

Mercedes-Benz partners in OVIN Incubators to accelerate startup scouting and support commercialisation
In its pilot phase, the OVIN Incubators Program will conduct startup scouting to identify opportunities in Ontario relevant to Mercedes-Benz fields of research. The aim is to empower startups to engage with industry and establish a robust pipeline of companies whose growth can be catalysed. Together, OVIN and Mercedes‑Benz will narrow down an initial longlist through a process of evaluation, ultimately arriving at individual projects that will progress to proof-of-concept based on Mercedes‑Benz use cases. The OVIN Incubators join a growing international network of regional programmes benefitting from the Mercedes‑Benz STARTUP AUTOBAHN platform for open innovation. This globally networked and locally executed approach seeks to maximise the pool of ideas, innovations and technologies that can flow into future Mercedes‑Benz products. Looking to the future, the next phase of the OVIN Incubators will seek to expand its scope through the addition of further partners from industry and academia.

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