Mercedes-Benz SUSTAINEER and cargo bike cooperation with ONOMOTION
London, 18 April 2024, (Oilandgaspress): –With the evolution of the SUSTAINEER (SUSTAINABILITY PIONEER) technology demonstrator, Mercedes‑Benz Vans is once again providing an insight into what sustainability could look like in the delivery transport of the future. The all-electric van based on the Mercedes‑Benz eSprinter combines a variety of innovative concepts for decarbonising the entire vehicle life cycle, reducing resource consumption, and increasing the circular economy, as well as improving the quality of life and well-being of the driver. The innovations and technical solutions in the SUSTAINEER were designed with the possibility of series production in mind to enable their use in future Mercedes-Benz Vans vehicle generations. All innovations are continuously evaluated, optimised, and supplemented with new concepts.
Innovative logistics concept for a wide range of industries
With the further developed SUSTAINEER, Mercedes-Benz Vans is now presenting an efficient logistics concept for last-mile delivery with zero local CO₂-emissions. In cooperation with the Berlin-based cargo bike manufacturer ONOMOTION, the company is combining the all-electric van and the electric cargo bike to create a seamless supply chain. The eSprinter becomes a mobile micro-depot. It brings pre-packaged goods in special containers to cargo bikes, which take care of delivery to the front door. Transferring the goods to the ONO e-cargo bike takes just a few minutes. As a result, the eSprinter does not have long idle times and can continue straight away – either to the next cargo bike or to deliver goods itself. Parallel delivery with cargo bikes and all-electric vans increases efficiency and shortens delivery times in both urban and rural areas. The innovative logistics concept is suitable for a wide range of industries – from courier, express and parcel services to large bakeries, service providers for workwear and company textiles or food suppliers.
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