Neptune and EDF study methane emissions on UK offshore platform
Neptune Energy today announced the completion of a first-of-its-kind collaboration with Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) to measure methane emissions on a working UK offshore platform using advanced drone technologies. Methane is the primary component of natural gas and is a potent greenhouse gas.
Fixed wing and rotary drones equipped with methane-sensing equipment were deployed for the study on the Neptune-operated Cygnus gas production facility in the UK Southern North Sea, to assess advanced methods for identifying and quantifying facility-level offshore methane emissions, and actions to reduce them. The results of the study will be published in a scientific peer-reviewed paper in 2022.
A key objective was to establish an accurate, scientific benchmark for measuring total methane emissions within an offshore environment to help develop best-practice approaches for the wider upstream industry. Tackling methane is a key topic of discussion at the COP26 event in Glasgow this week, with an increasing focus on how the oil and gas industry can employ existing technologies to reduce operational emissions of the potent greenhouse gas.
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