Petrobras approves divestment of 100% stake in the Potiguar cluster
Petrobras, following up on the statement released on 01/28/2022, informs that it signed today with the company 3R Potiguar SA, a wholly-owned subsidiary of 3R Petroleum Óleo e Gás SA, a contract for the sale of its entire stake (100%) in a set of 22 concessions for onshore and shallow water production fields, together with their infrastructure for processing, refining, logistics, storage, transport and outflow of oil and natural gas, located in the Potiguar Basin, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte – RN, jointly called Polo Potiguar.
The total value of the sale is US$ 1.38 billion, of which (a) US$ 110 million has been paid on the present date; (b) US$1.04 billion at the closing of the transaction and (c) US$235 million that will be paid in 4 annual installments of US$58.75 million, starting in March 2024. The amounts do not consider the adjustments due until the closing of the transaction, which is subject to the fulfillment of conditions precedent, such as the approval by the Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP).
Information Source: Read More–>
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