Saab launches a highly mobile, passive sensor designated for tactical reconnaissance of communication signals

London, October 15, 2024, (Oilandgaspress) ––– Saab presented the Sirius Compact L20C, a new addition to Saab’s Sirius Compact tactical Electronic Warfare (EW) sensor family at an event in Nuremberg, Germany. This new Communications–Electronic Support Measures (C-ESM) sensor can detect, classify, localise and track communication signals such as enemy troop radios or drone signals. Saab thus offers a modern and NATO-compatible sensor system that provides a high degree of operational flexibility in the field of electromagnetic reconnaissance.
The L20C sensor is capable of operating remotely, is easy to operate and difficult to detect. With high bearing accuracy and state-of-the-art signal processing for robust signal detection, L20C supports the electromagnetic situation picture (Recognised Electromagnetic Picture). The compact form factor and NATO-compatible interfaces enable a wide range of deployment scenarios, such as soldier-borne transport, use on highly mobile light vehicles or tool-free installation on masts. The design philosophy of the sensor follows the principles of Software Defined Defence: namely standardised data interfaces which enable seamless integration into Command & Control (C2) systems.

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