Toyota Strives to Achieve Zero Traffic Casualties

London, 27 March 2024, (Oilandgaspress): –Using dashcams for firefighting and rescue, which Toyota and Sakai City announced last October.

The Sakai City Fire Bureau, which protects the 920,000 people living in Sakai City, Takaishi City, and Osakasayama City, receives about 300 emergency calls every day.

Toyota Times got special permission to enter the firefighting command center, where they take calls 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. See the front lines of firefighting and rescue using the new system.

Using just audio information, the operator must issue instructions and choose which emergency vehicles to dispatch. This new system, which acts as the eyes of the operator, has been developed through collaboration between the fire bureau and Toyota through repeated discussions on-site and much trial and error.

Someday, without even knowing it, your car could save a life, and someone’s car could help save your life or the life of someone you care about.

Aiming for zero traffic casualties, Toyota pursues new value in vehicles. Get a rare look into the world of fire and rescue training and on-site work.

Information Source: Read full article

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