VH Global Sustainable Energy Opportunities plc Interim results for the period ended 30 June 2024

London, September 11, 2024, (Oilandgaspress) –VH Global Sustainable Energy Opportunities plc, an investment company that provides exposure to a globally and technologically diversified portfolio of sustainable energy infrastructure assets that support the Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) and are essential for the global transition towards net zero.published its interim results for the period ended 30 June 2024

The Company’s diversified portfolio, which spans multiple continents and technologies from solar PV in Brazil to flexible power in the UK, has provided predictable income backed by contracted inflation linked returns and offers huge potential for capital growth.

Company Highlights as at 30 June 2024


Net asset value: £447.7m

Net asset value per share:110.84p

Total leverage of GSEO as a percentage of NAV: 1.9%

Total annualised NAV return since IPO (Feb 2021): 8.0%

Dividend target for FY 2024: 5.68 pence per share

Dividend coverage: 1.1x

Total annualised NAV return for H1 2024: (1.2%)

Percentage of revenues contracted and inflation linked: >90%


Clean energy generated and injected into the grid: 512,233 MWh

Approximate equivalent UK homes powered annually by clean energy: 130,000

Tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent avoided: 80,734t

Tonnes of sulfur oxides displaced: 10,862t

Information Source: Read More

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