WFW advises GEK TERNA and MOH on €325m 877 MW Greek CCGT power plant financing
London, 29 June, 2023, (Oilandgaspress) Watson Farley & Williams (“WFW”) advised Thermoilektriki Komotinis S.A., an SPV of GEK TERNA Group (“GEK TERNA”), and Motor Oil Hellas (“MOH”) on a €325m non-recourse financing provided by Piraeus Bank, Eurobank and Optima Bank, for the development and construction of a new 877 MW gas-fired combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plant in Komotini, Greece.
GEK TERNA Group is one of the leading Greek business groups in the fields of infrastructure, energy production, supply and trade from thermal sources and RES, concessions, waste management and real estate development and management.
MOH plays a leading role in the sectors of crude oil refining, marketing of petroleum products, energy supply and energy production from RES, offering high-quality products in Greece and the greater eastern Mediterranean region.
The WFW Athens Project & Structured Finance team that advised Thermoilektriki and MOH was led by Partner Marisetta Marcopoulou, supported by Counsel Matina Kanellopoulou and Associate Dimitrianna Kolonia.
Marisetta commented: “We are pleased to have been able to support such leading Greek businesses as GEK TERNA AND MOH by helping ensure this important transaction for the expanding Greek energy market closed smoothly and on time”.
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