World’s largest offshore Hybrid Drive wind turbine
MingYang Smart Energy reached a new milestone with the introduction of the new MySE 16.0-242, the world’s largest Hybrid Drive wind turbine.
Designed for high-wind IEC IB including typhoon-class IEC TC, the powerful MySE 16.0-242 features an exceptional nameplate capacity of 16MW, a 242-meter diameter rotor, 118-meter long blades, and a staggering 46000m2 swept area equivalent of more than six soccer fields.
With industry’s largest rotor and highest nominal rating, MySE 16.0-242 is set to move the boundaries of wind energy production even further. A single MySE 16.0-242 turbine can generate 80000MWh of electricity every year, enough to power more than 20000 households. In comparison, it produces 45% more energy than MingYang’s previous turbine model, the MySE 11.0-203.
The environmental benefit is also considerable: compared to coal-fired power generation, one MySE 16.0-242 can eliminate more than 1.6 million tonnes of CO2 emissions over the course of its designed 25-year lifespan, making it a strong contributor to achieving the goal of carbon neutrality.
Extending the legacy super-compact designand Hybrid-Drive concept, MySE 16.0-242 builds on MingYang’s deep understanding and expertise gained over multiple smaller, light-weight offshore models, ranging from 5.5MW, 6.45MW, 7.25MW, 8.3MWto 11MW series. The nacelle weight of the MySE 16.0-242 is competitively low at less than 37 tonnes per MW. Compared to a heavier nacelle, its modest head mass allows for more efficient use of the tower and foundation construction, resulting in fewer purchased materials and logistics.
Proven MingYang’s Hybrid-Drive transmission technologies, particularly the medium-speed planetary gearbox with load sharing and forced high precision main bearing lubrication, have been fully optimized and inherited to ensure the robustness and efficiency of this new turbine, aswell as deliver excellent economic performance on both bottom-fixed and floating system applications.
In addition, MySE 16.0-242 provides many other distinctive advantages by adopting novel offshore-dedicated features and “best practice” technologies.
Information Source: Read Full Release ..–>
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