Bozhong 19-4 Oilfield Commences Production
CNOOC Limited today announced that Bozhong 19-4 oilfield comprehensive adjustment project has commenced production.
Bozhong 19-4 oilfield comprehensive adjustment project is located in the south of Bohai Sea, with average water depth of about 21 meters. In addition to fully utilizing the existing processing facilities of Bozhong 25-1 oilfield, the project has built a new eight-legged central equipment platform. A total of 25 development wells are planned, including 18 production wells, 7 water injection wells. The project is expected to reach its peak production of approximately 11,000 barrels of crude oil per day in 2022.
CNOOC Limited holds 100% interest in Bozhong 19-4 oilfield comprehensive adjustment project and acts as the operator.
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