Eni Announce 2020 Draft Financial Statements
The Board of Directors, chaired by Lucia Calvosa, approved Eni’s consolidated financial statements and the separate draft financial statements of the parent company for the year ending December 31, 2020. They confirm the 2020 preliminary adjusted results announced on February 19, 2021.
Consolidated net loss amounted to €8,635 million and net profit of the parent company amounted to €1,607 million.
Reported net loss has been revised to €8,635 million (the preliminary net loss was €8,563 million) mainly to factor in the subsequent release of results of an equity accounted entity.
The Board of Directors intends to submit a proposal for the distribution of a cash dividend of €0.36 per share at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting. Included in this annual distribution is the €0.12 per share, which was paid as an interim dividend in September 2020. The balance of €0.241 per share will be payable on May 26, 2021 to shareholders of record at the close of business on May 25, 2021, with the ex-dividend date being May 24, 2021.

An Annual Report on Form 20-F will be filed with the U.S. SEC and Italian market authorities by the first ten days of April 2021. This report will be disseminated via the Company’s headquarters, and on Eni’s website (eni.com) and through other sources provided by the current regulation. Enclosed are the 2020 IFRS consolidated statements and those of the parent company Eni SpA.
The Board of Directors also approved the “Consolidated report on non-financial information” included in the management discussion of the 2020 Annual Report. This report, prepared in conformity with the Italian Legislative Decree N. 254/2016, discloses the group’s activities, the performances achieved and the outcomes in environmental, reduction of carbon footprint, social, employees matters, respect for human rights, as well as anti-corruption and bribery matters.
The Board of Directors also convened the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on May 12, 2021. The meeting is set to approve the 2020 financial statements of the parent company and allocation of net profit, the payment of the 2021 interim dividend by the distribution of retained earnings, the integration of the Board of Statutory Auditors and the new buy-back programme.
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