Eni launches sustainable aviation fuel production
Eni has launched the production of alternative sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) that will significantly contribute to the decarbonization of aviation in the short to medium term. Eni SAFs are produced exclusively from waste and residues, in line with the company’s strategic decision not to use palm oil from 2023. Eni plans to double its current bio-refining capacity of 1.1 million tonnes/year within the four-year period and increase it to 5/6 million tonnes/year by 2050. The so-called biojet will play a significant role in the product mix, in line with industry scenarios and market trends, and the aim is to reach a production capacity of at least 500 thousand tonnes/year of biojet by 2030.
Initially, SAF is being produced at the Eni refinery in Taranto, with a 0.5% share of UCO (used cooking oils), contributing to the 2% share of bio component proposed as part of the EU “Fit For 55” package. This is a first step and part of Eni’s commitment to the decarbonization of all its products and processes by 2050 for all sectors, including some of the most challenging such as the aviation, heavy vehicles and marine sectors.
SAF from the Taranto refinery is currently produced through a 0.5% UCO co-feeding process for conventional plants. According to the Renewable Energy Directive II, the bio share in the product typically allows for a more than 90% reduction in GHG emissions compared to standard fossil mix feedstock. This product, already available in Taranto refinery tanks, will be sold to major airlines, firstly ITA, thanks to the support of leading operators in the sector such as Aeroporti di Roma.
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