Petrobras sets record in supply of regasified LNG in Brazil
In June, Petrobras reached the historical record in the supply of liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasified in the country, with an instantaneous volume of 42 million m³/day. This milestone, registered on 6/28, enabled the total supply of 109.4 million m³/day of natural gas, one of the highest volumes in recent years. The total offer comprises the natural gas produced in the country, the portion received by the regasification terminals and the volume imported from Bolivia.
The volume of regasified LNG is equivalent to the entire volume of domestic production injected by Petrobras into the currently integrated grid and more than double the volume of gas imported from Bolivia. The result is part of a set of initiatives that Petrobras has been adopting to increase the supply of natural gas and guarantee the supply of the national market in this period of high demand, which began in the fourth quarter of 2020, with the increase in thermoelectric operations determined by the National Electric System Operator (ONS).
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