TechnipFMC Awarded iEPCI™ Contract in North El Amriya and North Idku, Egypt
TechnipFMC has been awarded a integrated Engineering Procurement Construction and Installation (iEPCI™) contract by NIpetco and PetroAmriya, two Joint Ventures between Energean and Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS) and Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC) for a subsea tieback located offshore Egypt on the North El Amriya and North Idku concession.
TechnipFMC will design, manufacture, deliver and install subsea equipment including the subsea production system, subsea trees, production manifolds, umbilicals, flexible pipelines, jumpers and associated subsea and topside controls.
This is the second project that TechnipFMC will execute for Energean using its integrated subsea model, thereby reducing the overall cost, project interfaces and associated delivery risks. TechnipFMC is currently partnering with Energean to develop the Karish gas field development in the Mediterranean Sea offshore Israel.
Jonathan Landes, President Subsea at TechnipFMC, commented: “We are proud and honored to be selected for this important development offshore Egypt. This project award showcases TechnipFMC’s position as the market and technology leader for integrated projects globally and demonstrates the benefits of our iEPCI™ solution for subsea developments. We will continue our long-term, collaborative relationship with Energean and are pleased to work again with EGPC and EGAS for the development of gas production in Egypt.”
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